Bad Date

All the years

Please enter your birthdate.

Dropdown is slow to open in Firefox.

Index of π

At what index of PI can we find your birthdate?

PI digits download

Day Adder

That's it, just days.

Date Slider

How precise is your mouse?

Date Boomerang

Time your choice.

You haven't picked a date yet.

Reddit: Revolving birthday slider, just have to time your pick!

Roll the Date

Shake as best you can!

Reddit: Shake some dice for your birthdate

Bad Email

Ouija Email

Who you gonna mail?

Reddit: Get your proton pack ready for when you're done with this Ouija board email input

Bad Phone

Phone Dropdown

Looks easy, right?

Dropdown is slow to open in Firefox.

Random phone

Is this your phone number?

Phone Slider

How precise is your mouse?

Phone Boomerang

Time your choice.

You haven't picked a number yet.


Etch your number with OCR!

Click and rotate the dials!

You're number is +1 (___) ____

Reddit: An Etch-a-Sketch OCR phone input, bring out your best picasso!

Bad Volume

Pump It Volume!

Keep on pumpin' it!

Be careful, you could make the leak worse.

Reddit: Ready your arms, air-pump filled volume control!

Fiddle Volume

How exactly does this thing work?

Reddit: Who doesn't like solving switch and lever puzzles to change you're volume?

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