Rectangles, Circles, and Textboxes may change to any background color, text color, and opacity.
Some elements may also change from blue to red to indicate enemy.
or quickTTTTTTTT
or quick
Shift+D to toggle drawing mode on the fly
Shift+Drag to create straight lines
or quick
Additional details
There are 3^5 or 243 total potential objective configurations
Offensive is allowed all 243 configurations, no limitations, allowing consecutive points on opposite sides.
Warfare is allowed only 99 configurations as it removes any consecutive points on opposite sides.
There is a theoretical limit of 12 dynamic team spawns: 8 maximum garrisons, 3 maximum halftracks, and 1 airhead.
There is a theoretical limit of 24 total vehicles: 7 default vehicles per side + 5 commander spawnable vehicles per side.
Almost all spawn points have a 50m warning radius where it goes "hot" when an enemy is within the radius
regardless of where they are placed.
Garrisons are the exception and have a lockout radius of 100m while placed in the red zone
Only one set of default garrisons will be present in offensive mode and will be the three closest to the
attacking side
Offensive default garrisons can only be destroyed by hand, satchel, molotov, flamethrower, or gammon bomb
Player render distance is 500m. Vehicle render distance is 1000m.
Artillery dispersion is a 20m radius. Area of effect around a hit is a 15m radius.
The total potential area of effect is a 35m radius.
Servers operate on a 20Hz tick rate.
This application's distance measurements are based on 190 pixels being close enough to 200m or one grid square
Developed by Winston [HR]
Tactical maps and some assets are not mine and are or are based on content owned by Black Matter and Team 17.
Map Downloads
Google Drive collections of all the tacmaps as well as modified versions made during this project.
Original tacmaps can be obtained from the #hll-tacmaps channel in the official HLL Discord.