Create or Join

Want to share a live custom tacmap to an entire group? Create a room and share the Room ID and Password. Multiple editors are allowed.

Required. Room will expire up to 24 hours of inactivity
(or when the instance restarts daily ~11pm UTC)
Optional. Leave blank if session has no password.
Optional, required to become an editor for a map session. If blank when creating a session, a random key will be generated.

No customizable element selected.

Rectangles, Circles, and Textboxes may change to any background color, text color, and opacity.

Some elements may also change from blue to red to indicate enemy.

Shift+D to toggle drawing mode on the fly
Shift+Drag to create straight lines

or quick

Additional details

Map Downloads

Google Drive collections of all the tacmaps as well as modified versions made during this project. Original tacmaps can be obtained from the #hll-tacmaps channel in the official HLL Discord.

Other resources

Links to other handy things Hell Let Loose related

mattwright324 | 2024 | home | github | maps-let-loose